Muffins ByNIS


$5 each or $55 per Dozen

Minimum order 6 per variety


CocoBerry Delight

Ingredients: almond meal, raspberries, rice malt syrup, free range egg, organic buckwheat, almond milk, coconut oil, linseed meal, flaked almonds, desiccated coconut, shredded coconut, quinoa flakes, aluminum free baking powder, organic vanilla powder, pure baking soda


Breakfast Muffin

Ingredients: almond meal, organic carrot, free range egg, rice malt syrup, coconut oil, sunflower seeds, pepitas, desiccated coconut, linseed, orange zest, walnuts, nutmeg, cinnamon, aluminum free baking powder, organic vanilla powder, pure baking soda

banana muffin raw.JPG

Banana Bliss

Ingredients: almond meal, banana, rice malt syrup, free range egg, coconut oil, organic buckwheat, sunflower seeds, pepitas, linseed, flaked almonds, teff seeds, chia seeds, aluminum free baking powder, organic vanilla bean powder, pure baking soda


Chocolate Dream

Ingredients: almond meal, zucchini, rice malt syrup, coconut oil, ground linseed, free range egg, 90% dark chocolate, cacao powder, organic baking powder, organic vanilla powder, pure baking soda




Ingredients: almond meal, granny smith apple, rice malt syrup, free range egg, coconut oil, organic buckwheat, linseed, almond milk, chia seeds, quinoa flakes, teff seeds, sesame seeds, cinnamon, aluminum free baking powder, pure baking soda

 My Muffins don’t contain any preservative so are best eaten fresh within 5 days of being baked. I also recommend you freeze them as they defrost perfectly when your on the go and need a healthy snack option.

Place me in the oven for 5 minutes at 180 to give me back my crunch.

Store in an airtight container